The night starts. You go to bed. And your brain starts doing some interesting stuff. Did you know your brain is the most active when it is sleeping? Everyone is dreaming while sleeping at night… But there are a lot of mysteries about the dreams… And all of us want to know a little bit more about this. Take a look at these 12 dream facts.


1.Everyone Dreams

Literally everyone dreams, even babies, but some people remember their dreams more than others.

And also the animals have dreams.

dog dreaming

2.Every Night We Spend 2 Hours Dreaming

The average human while sleeping, 20-25% of the time is dreaming. In fact , we spend around 6 years of our entire life in dreaming.

cat dreams

3. We Dream 4 To 7 Different Dreams During A One Night Of Sleeping

Most of the people dream from four to seven different dreams every night, but they do not remember most of them. 95% of the dreams that we dream, we don’t remember. The dreams that we remember are usually the ones that we were dreaming the last before waking up.

It is known that 5 minutes after waking up, we forget about 50% of the dream, and 10 minutes after waking up we forget up to 90% of the stuff that we were dreaming.


4.Most Of The Dreams Last From 5 To 20 Minutes.

You may think that you have been dreaming for a long time, but actually your dream lasted around 10 minutes.


5. Women Have More Nightmares Than Men

Until 13 years old , boys and girls equally dream nightmares. After the 13th year of life, the nightmares become more common in women than in men.

girl dreaming

6.Good Smell In The Room Lead To Beautiful Dreams And Disgusting Smells To Bad Dreams

The smell in the bedroom affect your dreams. Studies have shown that inhalation of pleasant aroma (smell of rose) during sleep, resulting in a more positive and sweeter dreams, while inhaling the repulsive odor (smell of rotten eggs) causes more negative dreams.


7. During Pregnancy, Women Dream More

While pregnant, women dream more than in any other period of life. But not only that they dream more, but they  remember most of their dreams. Experts argue that this happens due to the change in hormone levels. In addition, pregnant women need to sleep more, so it makes sense and dream more.

beyonce pregnant

8. Sexual Dreams Are Equally Common In Men And Women

Although many would say otherwise, but studies show that men and women equally often have dreams with sexual themes. According to one study, 8% of the dreams of adults include sex.

However, the content of sexual dreams of men and women is different. For example, current or former partners present in 20% of the dreams of women and 16% of the dreams of men. Women are twice more likely than men to have sexual dreams with celebrities and men twice as often than women dream about sex with more than one partner at a time.

dog dreaming

9. Both men and women can orgasm in a dream

Wet dreams are common in teenagers. Orgasm usually happens while teen dream sex, but can not remember the dream. Teen ejaculation can happen without masturbation. Wet dreams may occur during, and after puberty.

Although women do not ejaculate, they can orgasm in a dream. Women rarely have wet dreams and often getting up in the moments before experiencing orgasm.


10. People Who Are Born Blind Do Not Have Visual Dreams

Although the do not dream images, people who were born blind have dreams based on their other senses, and those are dreams filled with sounds, smells and touches.

Also in people who went blind as kids it is likely to have no visual dreams. Persons who were blinded later in their life, dream visually.

11. Most People Dream In Color

Only 12% of people have a completely black and white dreams. Interestingly, younger almost never dream of black and white as opposed to the older, and researchers say the reason is the modernization of television screens, e.g. people who in their childhood had a black and white TV more often had monochromatic dreams.

cats focus

12. The Most Common Emotion In Dreams Is Anxiety

Most people will be surprised that in dreams we are experiencing more negative than positive emotions. The most common emotion is anxiety that appears in almost all common dreams as running away from someone, falling, appearance in public in inappropriate clothing or no clothing, testing or examination and so on.

Other common emotions are fear, joy and happiness.
