Did you know that our brain weighs 3 kg and throughout our life we walk 170,000 miles? Today we bring you some interesting facts that will get you to think.

1. The human body has 650 muscles.

2. The heart is the strongest muscle in our body.

3. Only 13% of men can really say to them self that they are fit.

4. The average person in life is walking around 113,000 kilometers.

5. Our brain weighs 3 kg.


6. If all the muscles in our body would push in the same direction,  you could lift more than 25 tons.

7. Our muscles fibers are thinner than the hairs of our head.

8. One can of soda contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar. Bad for health…

9. Burn more calories during the 23 hours that do exercise than 1 hour in which we spend in training.

10. We can not lose weight aiming only to certain parts of the body.


11. It is more difficult to “beat” 10 kilos of muscle than to lose 10 kilos of fat.

12. 80% of people who start to exercise, give up. The same goes for people who start diets.

13. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn while suspended.

14. Regular exercise leads to better sex. Look better, we are more resilient and flexible, and we have more confidence.

15. When you exercise on an empty stomach, the body loses muscle mass, not fat, so eat up before workout.
