The 60s were the years when it was a small step for man and a very big move for mankind, but as always conspiracy theories are here to confuse us and tell us what sometimes really happen, and sometimes they are just for attention. But, did astronaut Neil Armstrong really did land on the moon ? 

Ever since there were hundreds of theories on what happen, and people don’t know what to believe and did it really happen ?

There are number of discussions with conspiracy theorists. The biggest one is they claim the moon landings were faked as a publicity stunt.

“If the moon landing was real, why didn’t they go back ?” is the most used argument.

Even though they went back 5 times, that’s a fair point, but those other ones were probably publicity stunts too, but they kept those quiet.

“It was a scam to get one over on the Russians” is another argument.

The USSR and USA were involved in a space race, so the USA decided to cheat to win this race on who will get to the moon first. But USSR when it came to important stuff like space-based contests, they trusted the Americans implicitly.

Why, after all that evidence, does the moon landing conspiracy continues ? Well, it’s been a long time, so someone has to finally come clean on this theory.

To show everyone that the landing was real, NASA got sick and published over 10.000 photos from the Apollo Moon Mission. Were they expecting to be caught ? Or maybe it was all legit and we are all making things up ?

nasa photos nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa moon nasa photos nasa moon nasa photos

Sources used: The Guardian, 9gag, Flickr-NASA